segunda-feira, 29 de junho de 2009

Horse Farm(Kayseri)

Title:Horse Farm
Author:Olcay Dinçsoy
Device of capture:Kodak easy share M873

Here is a horse farm.It is just 15 km far from the city centre.It is a very nice place.There you can ride horse or have riding horse lessons or just sit there drink something and watch the people who are riding horses.But it is worth trying to ride it.It is very enjoyable.

Burası bir at çiftliği.Şehir merkezine sadece 15 km uzaklıkta.Çok hoş bir yer.Orada ata binebilirsin,at binme dersleri alabilirsin yada sadece oturup birşeyler içerek ata binenleri izleyebilirsin.Fakat binmeyi denemeye değer; çok eylenceli.

theme park (Kayseri)

Title:Theme park
Author:Olcay Dinçsoy
Device of Capture:Kodak easy share M 873

theme park (Kayseri)

Title:Theme Park
Author:Olcay Dinçsoy
Device of Capture:Kodak easy share M 873

This is the theme park in Kayseri.There are lots of enjoyable activities that you can do there.In summers the action starts there.You see a gondola in the picture and people on it are shouting :))

Bu Kayseri'de bir eğlence parkı.Orada yapabileceğiniz bir çok aktivite var.Aksiyon yaz aylarında başlar.Resimde bir gondol ve üzerinde bağıran insanlar görüyorsunuz.

quinta-feira, 25 de junho de 2009

Rhodope mountain

Country: Bulgaria
Location/topic:Over Yagodinska Cave
Author: Vahram Hovsepyan (student)
Device of capture: Nikon D60
Type: JPG

quarta-feira, 24 de junho de 2009

Melnik - one beauty city

Country: Bulgaria
Location/topic: Melnik
Rangel Vanev (student)
Device of capture:
Nokia 3600

terça-feira, 23 de junho de 2009

Belogradchik Rocks

Title:Belogradchik Rocks
Author:Hristiqna Panova(student)
Device of capture:Samsung
Type: JPG

The Belogradchik Rocks are a group of bizarre sandstone and limestone rock formations, reaching up to 200 m in height. They form a strip, which is 30 km long and up to 3 km wide, and are located north of the western slopes of Stara Planina, near the town of Belogradchik in Bulgaria. The formations, which vary in color from red through yellow to grey, are a product of erosion and every distinct rock is named after an object it is believed to resemble.

Белоградчишките скали са група от странни пясъчни и варовикови скални образувания, достигащи до 200 m височина. Те образуват ивица, която е 30 km дълга и до 3 km широка, и са разположени на север от западните склонове на Стара планина, близо до град Белоградчик в България. Формациите, които се различават по цвят от червено през жълто до сиво, са продукт на ерозия и всяка отделна скала е кръстена на обект на който се смята, че прилича.

sexta-feira, 19 de junho de 2009

Cegonhas 05

Country: Portugal
Location: Angeja (Aveiro)
Title: Gegonha no ninho/Stork in the nest
Author: Marina Filipa C. Severino (Student)
Device of capture: HP photosmart Mz67
Type: JPG

Cegonhas 04

Country: Portugal
Location: Angeja (Aveiro)
Title: Cegonhas na Auto-estrada - Storks in the motorways
Author: Sara Daniela O. Mirassol (Student)
Device of capture: HP photosmart Mz67
Type: JPG

Cegonhas 03

Country: Portugal
Location: Angeja (Aveiro)
Title: Cegonha com crias/stork with young storks
Author: Paulo Jorge F. Miranda (Student)
Device of capture: Olympus SP-590UZ
Type: JPG

Cegonhas 02

Country: Portugal
Location: Angeja (Aveiro)
Title: Cegonha no poste de antenas/ Stork at the antennas
Author: Joana Jesus S. Coelho (Students)
Device of capture: Olympus SP-590UZ
Type: JPG

Cegonhas 01

Country: Portugal
Location: Angeja (Aveiro)
Title: Cegonha no céu/ stork in the sky
Author: António Alexandre A. Lourenço (Students)
Device of capture: Olympus SP-590UZ
Type: JPG


Country: Portugal
Location: Angeja (Aveiro)
Title: Cegonhas na auto-estrada / Stork in the motorways
Author: Adriana Paula S. Lopes (Students)
Device of capture: Olympus SP-590UZ
Type: JPG

Cegonha Branca

A cegonha branca é uma ave típica do nosso país, Portugal. É reconhecida pela sua tonalidade branca e preta e o seu característico bico vermelho. A maioria das aves é migradora sendo a Primavera a melhor altura para as observar. É nesta altura que encontramos os ninhos ocupados, ou seja, na altura da reprodução. O que é curioso, é sendo Portugal um país repleto de florestas e espaços verdes, porque é que as cegonhas constroem os seus ninhos em postes de alta tensão? E mais curioso ainda, porque nas placas informativas de algumas auto-estradas Portuguesas onde prevalece o barulho e os gases poluentes? Alguns populares dizem que há muito tempo atrás havia na zona uma abundância de lagostins que fez com que as cegonhas se instalassem. Outros, afirmam que houve uma tentativa de chamada às cegonhas construindo ninhos em locais seguros para se instalarem e ficarem no nosso país. A verdade é que estas cegonhas são um enigma que insistem em ficar em lugares pouco saudáveis que deliciam os condutores que, ao transitarem nas auto-estradas, se maravilham com este fenómeno tão intrigante.
Expomos assim, esta ave intrigante, a alimentar os seus filhotes em plena auto-estrada portuguesa, A25 (Aveiro - Angeja), sem qualquer explicação do porquê preferir as auto-estradas aos espaços verdes de Portugal.

The White Stork

The white stork is a typical bird of our country, Portugal. It is recognized by its white and black color and red beak. Most of the birds are migratory and the spring is the best time to observe them. It is at this time that the nests are occupied, the time of reproduction. What is curious, Portugal is a country full of forests and green spaces, why the storks build their nests on high voltage poles? And even more curious, why on the informational plaques on portuguese motorways where prevail the noise and the pollution? Some People say that long ago the area had an abundance of crayfish that has made the storks were installed. Others claim that there was an attempt to call the storks building nests in safe locations to move to and stay in our country. The truth is that these storks are a puzzle that insists on staying in unhealthy places delighting the drivers, transit on motorways, wondered at this phenomenon so intriguing.
We are exposing this intriguing bird, feeding the Childs in the Portuguese motorway, A25 (Aveiro - Angeja), without any explanation of why they prefer the motorways to the green spaces of Portugal.

Aveiro 15

Country: Portugal
Location: Aveiro
Title: Câmara Municipal - Aveiro/City Cousil - Aveiro
Author: João Ferreira (Teacher)
Device of capture: HP photosmart Mz67
Type: JPG

Aveiro 14

Country: Portugal
Location: Aveiro
Title: Painel pintado na Estação/Painted panel on wall of Railroad station
Author: João Ferreira (Teacher)
Device of capture: HP photosmart Mz67
Type: JPG

Aveiro 13

Country: Portugal
Location: Aveiro
Title: Painel de Azulejo relativo à pesca/Tile Panel alusive to fishing (traditional)
Author: Marina Neves (Student)
Device of capture: HP photosmart Mz67
Type: JPG

Aveiro 12

Country: Portugal
Location: Aveiro
Title: Nova Estação de Caminhos de Ferro/New Railway Station
Author: Luís Rosas (Student)
Device of capture: HP photosmart Mz67
Type: JPG

Aveiro 11

Country: Portugal
Location: Aveiro
Title: Tribunal de Aveiro/Court of Law - Aveiro
Author: Marisa Marinho (Student)Device of capture: HP photosmart Mz67
Type: JPG

Aveiro 10

Country: Portugal
Location: Aveiro
Title: Bandeira da Cidade de Aveiro/Flag of the city of Aveiro
Author: Filomena Jesus (Student)
Device of capture: HP photosmart Mz67
Type: JPG

Aveiro 09

Country: Portugal
Location: Aveiro
Title: Moliceiro em miniatura/Model of the traditional boat of Aveiro
Author: João Ferreira (Teacher)
Device of capture: HP photosmart Mz67
Type: JPG

Aveiro 08

Country: Portugal
Location: Aveiro
Title: Canal da ria em Aveiro/Boat channel in Aveiro
Author: João Ferreira (Teacher)
Device of capture: HP photosmart Mz 67
Type: JPG

Melnik - one beauty city

Country: Bulgaria
Location/Topic: Melnik
Title: Old houses in Melnik
Author: Katya Nikolova (student)
Device of capture: nokia 6300
Type: jpeg

quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2009

Aveiro 07

Country: Portugal
Location: Aveiro
Title: Palácio/Palace Marquês da Granja
Author: Joel Gonçalves (Student)
Device of capture: HP photosmart E 337
Type: JPG

Aveiro 06

Country: Portugal
Location: Aveiro
Title: Painel na Estação da CP/ Panel
Author: Helena Silva (Teacher)
Device of capture: Canon IXUS 80 IS
Type: JPG

Aveiro 05

Country: Portugal
Location: Aveiro
Title: Estação do caminho de ferro/Railway Station
Author: Helena Silva (Teacher)
Device of capture: Canon IXUS 80 IS
Type: JPG

Aveiro 04

Country: Portugal
Location: Aveiro
Title: Canal, barco moliceiro/Channel, moliceiro boat
Author: Fábio Pereira (Student)
Device of capture: HP photosmart E 337
Type: JPG

Aveiro 03

Country: Portugal
Location: Aveiro
Title: Centro Cultural e de Congressos / Cultural and Congress Center
Author: Maria Cachide (Student)
Device of capture: Kodak EasyShare Z650
Type: JPG

Aveiro 02

Country: Portugal
Location: Aveiro
Title: Igreja de S. Domingos(Sé de Aveiro) / St.Domingos church
Author: Maria Cachide (Student)
Device of capture: Kodak EasyShare Z650
Type: JPG

Aveiro 01

Country: Portugal
Location: Aveiro
Title: Museu/Museum Sta. Joana
Author: Maria Cachide (Student)
Device of capture: kodak EasyShare Z650
Type: JPG


Aveiro – é a segunda cidade mais populosa da região Centro de Portugal, situada a cerca de 12 km das praias da Barra e da Costa Nova e localiza-se perto de um importante porto - mar, a "cidade" remonta pelo menos ao século X. No passado, a sua população foi formada por pessoas que viviam daquilo que o mar e a ria lhes davam e que foram extremamente importantes durante a expansão Portuguesa. O território tornou-se uma cidade em 1759. Actualmente, a maior parte da sua riqueza deriva da indústria relacionada com a pesca e a cerâmica (tijolos, telhas, azulejos), mas também do comércio e dos serviços. A Universidade construída nos anos 70 também trouxe uma nova dinâmica à cidade.
Aveiro – the second most populous city in the Center region of Portugal, about 12km from the beaches of Barra and Costa Nova and with an important seaport nearby, the “city” dates back at least to the 10th century. Its population was formerly made of people who lived from what the sea and the river provided and who were extremely important during the Portuguese expansion. The territory became a city in 1759.
Most of its importance comes from the industry around fishing and also pottery (brick, tiles, decorated tiles) but also to the commerce and services. The University built in the 70s also brought a new dynamic to the city.

Old Plovdiv

Title:Old Plovdiv
Author:Selvid Sarachev -student
Device of capture:"Sony"

quarta-feira, 17 de junho de 2009

Red House

Country: Bulgaria
Location/Topic:Plovdiv Old City
Title:Red House
Author:Trifon (student)
Device Capture:Sony

segunda-feira, 15 de junho de 2009

Actividades da Indústria local / Activities of the local industry 06

Country: Portugal
Location: Gafanha da Nazaré
Title: Secar – to dry
Author: Helena Silva (Teacher)
Device of capture: Canon IXUS 80 IS
Type: JPG

Actividades da Indústria local / Activities of the local industry 05

Country: Portugal
Location: Gafanha da Nazaré
Title: Lavar / To wash
Author: Vanessa Silva (Student)
Device of capture: Olympus FE170,X760,C505
Type: JPG

Actividades da Indústria local / Activities of the local industry 04

Country: Portugal
Location: Gafanha da Nazaré
Title: Prensar – to compress
Author: Joel Gote (Student) / Helena Silva (Teacher)
Device of capture: Sony Ericsson V630i /Canon IXUS 80 IS
Type: JPG

Actividades da Indústria local / Activities of the local industry 03

Country: Portugal
Location: Gafanha da Nazaré
Title: Salgar – to preserve with salt
Author: Joel Gote (Student)
Device of capture: Sony Ericsson V630i
Type: JPG

Actividades da Indústria local / Activities of the local industry 02

Country: Portugal
Location: Gafanha da Nazaré
Title: O bacalhau escalado / the cod with no bone
Author: Vanessa Silva (Student)
Device of capture: Olympus FE170,X760,C505
Type: JPG

Actividades da Indústria local / Activities of the local industry 01

Country: Portugal
Location: Gafanha da Nazaré
Title: Escalar – take out the bone
Author: Helena Silva (teacher)
Device of capture: Canon IXUS 80 IS
Type: JPG

Actividades da Indústria local / Activities of the local industry

A indústria da pesca e o processo de tratamento do bacalhau têm sido uma das maiores fontes de riqueza região. Os processo de tratamento tem vindo a mudar ao longo dos tempos mas a indústria ainda continua a ser muito importante na Gafanha da Nazaré. Fomos a uma seca de bacalhau e seguimos os passos principais do tratamento do peixe – o bacalhau.
The fishing industry and the process of treating codfish have been one of the major sources of income in our region. These practices have been changing over the years but the industry is still very important to Gafanha da Nazaré. We went to a cod-plant and followed the major steps when treating the fish - cod.

sábado, 13 de junho de 2009

K e r k i n i L a k e - Serres, Greece

Country: Greece
Location: Kerkini Lake, Serres
Title: Wetland Kerkini
Author: Aggeliki Solaki
Device of capture: Canon Power Shot A540

K e r k i n i L a k e - Serres, Greece

Country: Greece
Location: Kerkini Lake, Serres
Title: Wetland Kerkini
Author: Aggeliki Solaki
Device of capture: Canon Power Shot A540

K e r k i n i L a k e - Serres, Greece

Country: Greece
Location: Kerkini Lake, Serres
Title: Wetland Kerkini
Author: Aggeliki Solaki
Device of capture: Canon Power Shot A540
Type: JPG

K e r k i n i L a k e - Serres, Greece

Country: Greece
Location: Kerkini Lake, Serres
Title: Wetland Kerkini
Author: Aggeliki Solaki
Device of capture: Canon Power Shot A540
Type: JPG

K e r k i n i L a k e - Serres, Greece

Country: Greece
Location: Kerkini Lake, Serres
Title: Wetland Kerkini
Author: Aggeliki Solaki
Device of capture: Canon Power Shot A540
Type: JPG

Kerkini Lake – Serres, Greece

Kerkini Lake is one of the most beautiful parts of Greece.
Situated in Northern Greece and lies just south of the Bulgarian Border with Greece.
The lake is home to a number of species of interesting plants and birds. All the animals that live in the wetland are important to the unique balance and beauty of the environment. Here it is the birds that cutch most peoples attention.
It should be noted that: wetland Kerkini is now a National Nature Reserve and is a wetland of international Importance according to the RAMSAR Convention.
If you visit Kerkini during spring or early summer be sure to take a boat ride out to the drowned forest to view the breeding colony, the sight, sound and smell of so many birds is amazing.

Λίμνη Κερκίνη - Σέρρες, Ελλάδα

H Λίμνη Κερκίνη είναι ένα από τα πιο όμορφα μέρη της Ελλάδας. Βρίσκεται στη Βόρεια Ελλάδα και στα νότια των Βουλγαρικών συνόρων με την Ελλάδα. Η λίμνη φιλοξενεί μια σειρά από ενδιαφέροντα είδη φυτών και πουλιών. Όλα τα ζώα που ζουν στον υγρότοπο είναι σημαντικά για τη μοναδική ομορφιά και την ισορροπία του περιβάλλοντος. Εδώ είναι τα πτηνά που προσελκύουν πλέον την προσοχή των ανθρώπων. Θα πρέπει να σημειωθεί ότι: ο υγρότοπος της Κερκίνης είναι πλέον ένα Εθνικό Πάρκο και επίσης αποτελεί υγρότοπο Διεθνούς Σημασίας σύμφωνα με τη Σύμβαση Ramsar. Αν επισκεφθεί κανείς την Κερκίνη την άνοιξη ή νωρίς το καλοκαίρι μπορεί να επισκεφθεί με βάρκα το παραποτάμιο δάσος για να δει την αποικία αναπαραγωγής, τη θέα επίσης ο ήχος και η μυρωδιά από τόσα πολλά πουλιά είναι καταπληκτική.

quarta-feira, 10 de junho de 2009

First - great crested channel Balkans

Country: Bulgaria
Title: First - great crested channel Balkans/Най - големият гребен канал на Балканите
Author: Daniela Dimitrova
Device of capture: Nokia 6500
Type: JPG

segunda-feira, 8 de junho de 2009

The oldest part of our city

Country: Poland
Location: Opole
Title: The Piasts' Tower
Author: Natalia Skieresz
Device of capture: Kodak EasyShare V803

The tower was built by Prince Bolesław I, around 1330. Now, it is all that remains after the Piast dynasty's castle. The tower's foundation is a 6m thick stone layer. The lower part of the wall is approx. 3m thick. Over the centuries, the pinnacle of the tower was rebuilt many times. This Gothic tower, together with the helm is 51m high. The castle, which formerly incorporated the tower, was demolished in 1928-1931.
Wieża Piastowska jeden z najstarszych opolskich zabytków. Pamiątka panowania władców z dynastii Piastów.

Wild thing in the center of the city

Country: Poland
Title: Młynówka
Author: Natalia Skieresz (student)
Device of capture: Kodak EasyShare V803
Type: JPG

Młynówka (Millrace) - the ancient river bed of Oder in the center of Opole, wrongly considered be a channel. It separates East part of the city from the Pasieka Island.
Młynówka (Millrace) - stare koryto rzeki Odry w centrum Opola, błędnie uważane za kanał. Rodziela wschodnią część miasta od Wyspy Pasieki

In the center of Europe

Country: Poland
Title: At the crossroads
: Natalia Skieresz (student)
Device of capture: Kodak EasyShare V803
Type: JPG

This is a milestone which shows the distance to our European twin towns. It is located in the center of the market square and willingly visited by Opole inhabitants and tourists.

Na zdjęciu pokazany jest drogowskaz stojący w centrum miasta, który ukazuje odległości dzielące Opole od jego miast partnerskich. Jest to miejsce chętnie odwiedzane przez opolan i turystów.

Highway to Hell

Country: Opole - Poland
Topic: This is our railway station of Metalchem. From this station we can go to different cities.
Title: Highway to Hell
Author: Damian Kotwica (student)
Device of capture: Canon PowerShotA430
Type: JPG


Country: Opole - Poland
Topic: Our lake where we can fishing. This lake is in big forest near our houses.
Title: sunset
Author: Damian Kotwica (student)
Device of capture: Canon PowerShotA430
Type: JPG

domingo, 7 de junho de 2009

A beautiful morning sky burned by the sun rays

Country: Sassari - Sardinia -Italy
Topic: in front of Sun
Title: Sunrise
Author: Giovanni P. (student)
Device of capture: sony cybershot DSC-P200
Type: JPG

A great sunset seen from the wayout of my school in Sassari, Sardinia, Italy.

Country: Sassari - Sardinia -Italy
Topic: in front of Sun
Title: sunset from my school
Author: Giovanni P. (student)
Device of capture: sony cybershot DSC-P200
Type: JPG